P-04-366 – Correspondence from the Petitioner to the Clerk, 08.02.13


Dear Naomi,



Save the Day Centre Committee would like the following points to be raised at the Petitions Committee on 19 February 2013:

The Committee do not consider Sheila Wentworth to be Independent. 

Ceredigion County Council who has commissioned the Independent review via Susan Darnbrook  Member of All Wales Adult Heads (AWASH), and Parry Davies is The Presiden (AWASH)

Sheila Wentworth is listed as an Associate Member  (AWASH). Therefore Ceredigion County Council is not carrying out an Independent Review.

Although this Independent Review is not within the remit of CSSIW, perhaps Care Quality Control (England) could undertake this Independent Review.


We also note the following:   ABERYSTWYTH DAY CENTRE REVIEW - Questionnaire for Family Carers (Sheila Wentworth)

"in order for me to write this report, it is essential that I include the views of people attending the Day Centre..."

At the Park Avenue Day Centre the following Groups attended:

Arthritis Group, RNIB, Retinopathy Clininic, WRVS.  Wednesday Luncheon Club, Gateway Club

The impact on these Groups being excluded by Ceredigion County Council is enormous.
Having collected approximately 6,000 signatures we continue our Vigil.

All visitors are barred from entering The Day Centre, so there is no interaction and socializing.
The lack of space at the Basement does not allow the Clients room to raise their swollen feet.
The Ramp is still uncovered, and Clients AWOSH.!
There is still only 8 easy chair between 32 Clients.

The Christmas Dinner this year, owing to lack of space in the Basement, had to be held at the local Football Club.
This entailed transporting clients to this venue. 

The Dinners daily are transported.
The clients are transported for a bath.
The SPADC Committee consider the Questionnaire to be too narrow, an not including the above. (Number 9. and 10. on the Questionnaire are omitted)!
Fewer people are being Assessed, therefore, this is discriminating against the people needing to attend the Day Centre.
We have not, as yet, been able to obtain the accurate figures needing to be assessed.  As it is an ageing society figures naturally will have increased.
This Day Centre facility enables the Client to get out of the house to socialize.  Importantly, too, enables a few hours respite
to the unpaid carer at home.

Many thanks,
Yours sincerely,
Pam Hughes